Kev - vocals
Jim - guitar
Jim - guitar
Mike -guitar
Barrie - bass
Todd - drums
Barrie - bass
Todd - drums
Kevin was also in ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT (disco on http://www.taang.com/) and in DEFACE and a newer band called DEATHTOLL who has a 7'' on kangaroo recs
Barrie & Todd in CHRIST ON PARADE,their whole discography is available from prank records i think,or was it the live lp or both ;-),go check it out! classic stuff!
gonna try to paint the front cover of the sounds of nature on a skatedeck so keep an eye out ;-)
same goes for TW,be prepared to shit your diaper,STUFF RULES!!!! you can hear some AA but the guitar sound is def christ on parade-ish...
8 tracks from the demo,a few of em were also on the shasta county underground comp,3 + superman's dead which was in a horrible quality,but now its listenable
edit: songs were floating around on slsk for yrs,and i was done with it before i knew it was gonna be released so stop the whining in france!
hope you enjoy this as much as i do,if not,you got no taste ;-)
thx to oldschool Mike for finding demo titles