time for some fucked up japanese noise folks!
set is floating around for a couple of yrs now as a 1 trackbut i had some time last months ;-)
so cut it up into 20 tracks,pain in the ass coz its stop & go but came out nice!
lost cover stuff so have to make something new...later...will also upload the split 7'' with germany's flachenbrand,my favorite stuff by them,but later...
now go break something
01-Chris Dodge introduction
02-fuck on the beach
03-whose partner are you?
04-no jealousy
05-ought to regret
06-Tammy fuck off!
07-throat or die
08-don't call out
09-where do you go
10-betrayed again
11-alone in your room
12-what's the truth
13-i cannot stop falling in love
14-next saturday
15-never no skinfuck
16-fuck on the beach
17-ride on timing
18-suddenly insert
19-loco girl
20-fuck on the beach
hey can you re-up this? hello!